Minemal Dental

With the thoughtful approach and power of visual storytelling, I transformed extensive text and photo content into an impactful website that immerses users into the world of aesthetically driven dentistry while providing valuable information in a clear and accessible way.

3 months
(57 workdays)
Web Design and
Web Design
Tilda Publishing

The (Ask)

Young, brave and beautiful

Dentistry is widely known for its conservative approach to visual identity, and dental companies' websites are the spitting image of each other. Mint green, blue, and white are all the monopolistic colors in the field. There are pictures of white-coated dentists everywhere and radiant smiles of satisfied patients framed in templated card shapes. That's not what this website is about.

Minemal wanted me to create something as different and authentic as possible, something connected to the very core of the brand's values. While almost every other dentist has some sort of a tooth in the logo, Minemal chose to instead use an abstract rendering of the hydroxyapatite molecule, the building block of enamel.

The brand's name, MINÉMAL works on three levels:

- MIN stands for “MINimally invasive dentistry”
- EMAL stands for “enamel”
- MINÉMAL alludes to minimalism, which is the design esthetic in their photos, decor, social medias, and in theitr way of live.

And it was my task to combine these 3 moments into an aesthetically pleasing, yet commercial driven website.

The (Delivery)

Same, same, but different

My first step was to develop a comprehensive understanding of the future website's structure and hierarchy by conducting a thorough analysis of both direct and indirect Minemal competitors' websites to assess their key features, information architecture, UX/UI practices, and visual style. With the newly acquired knowledge of the best practices to adopt and areas to avoid, I moved to the prototype step.

The quick A/B testing during the prototyping helped me address possible User issues that might affect the project in the later stages. It was a defining moment as I set the visual style and structure for both prominent and effective content presentation.

Minemal's new informative yet aesthetically and emotionally appealing website, and visual style have had a significant impact on the look and feel of the Minemal brand.

And they lived happily after utilizing the design and principles I created to internally evolve the Minemal brand.

The (Takeaway)

Be water, my friend

To this day, the best way to evolve in such a complex sphere as the Web is to utilize the best practices, know your market's standards, and ask your Users the right questions.

“Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves." - Bruce Lee